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The OIC Concept

Orient Implement Cultivate

For almost any organization, agility is needed to survive in a fast-moving modern world, but transforming an organization into one which can thrive in the digital age is a daunting task. The larger and more established your company, the greater the challenge will be, and many companies struggle to find the path through the maze.

In our work on agile transformations, we have identified recurring success patterns and based on these reated the OIC Guide to help us make your agile transformation a successful one.


Orient, Implement, Cultivate

All transformations start with an orientation phase where people understand the what and why of a transformation.
This is followed by an implementation phase where targeted changes are applied.
Finally a cultivation phase embeds the new behavious in the DNA of the organization.

The phases Orientation, Implelentation Cultivation give the OIC model its name.

In a complex transformation, these phases occur simultaneously in different areas of the organization.
For a transformation to take root, all areas of an organization will ultimatley go through all phases, sometimes this is sponteneous and sometimes supported by a program.


Enterprise, Portfolio, Operational

An organization can be viewed through the prism of three dimensions. "Why", "What" and "How" dimension or what we call the "Enterprise/Strategic" (Why), "Portfolio" (What) and "Operations/Delivery" (How).

For the DNA of the enterprise to evolve, and lasting change to take place, interventions in all three dimensions are needed.

Value Streams

The Glue that lets things flow

A Value stream is a set of actions your company takes to provide value to a customer and your organization. Every enterprise on the planet has at least one value stream - without a value stream, there is no value.

The value stream starts with an idea, initiative or request and ends with added value being generated and delivered.

The question is not, "do we have value streams?", but if and how we want to manage them.

Understanding how value is provided to your customers is key to understanding how to best organize your work. That is why value streams is the third column of the Rimagin approach to organizational transformation.

Orient: identifying value streams
Implement: organizing around these
Cultivate: internalizing the value stream focus and emchanisms to reorganize around value

Learn how Rimagin's OIC Concept can help change the DNA of your Organization

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